Photographing Living Legends Dave Phillips Photography, Manchester Photographer, PR PhotographerDave PhillipsJanuary 27, 2023PR Photography, PR Photographer
Best job in the world? Manchester Photographer, PR Photographer, Dave Phillips PhotographyDave PhillipsJuly 19, 2021manchester pr photography
Another awe-inspiring Guide Dogs shoot... Commercial Photographer, Dave Phillips Photography, Portrait PhotographerDave PhillipsOctober 27, 2020Dave Phillips Photography, Commerical Photographer, Manchester Photographer
2020 The Year of Lockdown! Commercial Photographer, Dave Phillips Photography, PR Photographer, Manchester PhotographerDave PhillipsMay 28, 2020PR Photographer, Manchester Photographer
Crufts 2020 - a few hightlights Corporate Photographer, Dave Phillips Photography, Event PhotographerDave PhillipsMarch 10, 2020Event Photographer, Manchester Photographer
Good Start To 2020! Dave Phillips Photography, Event Photographer, Manchester PhotographerDave PhillipsFebruary 12, 2020Manchester Photographer, Corporate Photography, PR Photographer